「邦人作品紹介②Karenちゃん(保護者からのコメント)/(Japanese & English) Karen's favorite piece by "Modern Japanese composer"/ Comments from her parents
進歩の度合い的には、まだまだなのかも知れませんが、 YouTubeで最初の頃の演奏を見ると、 ここまで来たなと感慨深いものを感じます。 特に想像力を駆使し身体全体で曲を演奏しようとする事を教えられ てきましたが、指導通りに出来ている時は、「 あぁこういう解釈の仕方もあるのか」 と逆に感心させられる時があります。
~ Q & A with Karen Matsui ~
Q. How long have you been playing?
3 ½ years.
Q. Why did you start paying the piano?
Q. How long have you been playing?
3 ½ years.
Q. Why did you start paying the piano?
I started playing the piano because I thought it would be nice to perform and play the beautiful songs.
Q. Do you like playing piano?
Q. Do you like playing piano?
Sometime yes, sometime no. I like it once I get a hang of the song.
I enjoy playing the songs I like, that is beautiful or Rock music.
I enjoy playing the songs I like, that is beautiful or Rock music.
Q. What else do you like about the piano? How do you enjoy it?
When I start listening to the music. I enjoy the beauty of it, and how is sounds.
Q. Do you enjoy playing the piano in front of people?
Though I sometime get nervous, I do enjoy.
Q. Who is your biggest piano rival?
I compete with nobody, I compete with myself.
Q. What is the toughest piece you’ve ever played?
All of them.
Q. What would you do when you struggle?
I take a little bit break and keep practicing. If I still struggle, I ask my parents for help.
Q. Which piano piece have you enjoyed most?
“Little Horse” by Karen Tanaka, now. I like Bach a little bit, too - It sounds cool, but it’s a hard to play.
Q. What do you want to accomplish through playing the piano?
My dream is to play a super beautiful song in front of a small audience.
___________________ Comments from her parents __________________
Karen has been taking piano lessons at Yumie Piano Studio last three and a half years.
It was a bit challenging at the beginning since she was too “active” for a 30 minute piano lesson. Thanks to Miss Yumie’s wisdom, she had enjoyed singing Do-Re-Mi from The Sound of Music and such, and had experienced some Eurhythmic lessons until she was ready for piano lessons.
She is now a 7-year-old music lover, and always looks forward to her next lesson with Miss Yumie.
The other day she was so thrilled when Miss Yumie told her to use her imagination to learn a piano piece. She said, with such excitement in her voice,” I got an imagination homework assignment from Miss Yumie!” It made a significant difference to her performance once she put her imagination to work. I could see that she was inspired by the music and wanted to share her sense of joy from it.
While her piano practice time is so limited with 12+ hours per week of gymnastic practices, this vigorous gymnastics might be helping enhance her creativity as well. She sometimes choreographs her Floor Exercise to a music piece she chooses from a CD. She does it just for fun in her spare time, but it is delightful to see her expressing herself in any forms.
From the videos in this newsletter, you might get a glimpse of her happiness in music that, I believe, Miss Yumie wishes for her students the most.
I hope Karen will continue to enjoy music for the rest of her life. It will help her keep moving forward when she needs comfort and encouragement in her life.
When I start listening to the music. I enjoy the beauty of it, and how is sounds.
Q. Do you enjoy playing the piano in front of people?
Though I sometime get nervous, I do enjoy.
Q. Who is your biggest piano rival?
I compete with nobody, I compete with myself.
Q. What is the toughest piece you’ve ever played?
All of them.
Q. What would you do when you struggle?
I take a little bit break and keep practicing. If I still struggle, I ask my parents for help.
Q. Which piano piece have you enjoyed most?
“Little Horse” by Karen Tanaka, now. I like Bach a little bit, too - It sounds cool, but it’s a hard to play.
Q. What do you want to accomplish through playing the piano?
My dream is to play a super beautiful song in front of a small audience.
___________________ Comments from her parents __________________
Karen has been taking piano lessons at Yumie Piano Studio last three and a half years.
It was a bit challenging at the beginning since she was too “active” for a 30 minute piano lesson. Thanks to Miss Yumie’s wisdom, she had enjoyed singing Do-Re-Mi from The Sound of Music and such, and had experienced some Eurhythmic lessons until she was ready for piano lessons.
She is now a 7-year-old music lover, and always looks forward to her next lesson with Miss Yumie.
The other day she was so thrilled when Miss Yumie told her to use her imagination to learn a piano piece. She said, with such excitement in her voice,” I got an imagination homework assignment from Miss Yumie!” It made a significant difference to her performance once she put her imagination to work. I could see that she was inspired by the music and wanted to share her sense of joy from it.
While her piano practice time is so limited with 12+ hours per week of gymnastic practices, this vigorous gymnastics might be helping enhance her creativity as well. She sometimes choreographs her Floor Exercise to a music piece she chooses from a CD. She does it just for fun in her spare time, but it is delightful to see her expressing herself in any forms.
From the videos in this newsletter, you might get a glimpse of her happiness in music that, I believe, Miss Yumie wishes for her students the most.
I hope Karen will continue to enjoy music for the rest of her life. It will help her keep moving forward when she needs comfort and encouragement in her life.
Mayumi (Karen's mom)
始めのころは元気が良すぎると言うか、 落ち着いてピアノのレッスンができる状態ではありませんでしたの で、「ドレミの歌」を歌ったり、リトミックスを導入されるなど、 先生が様々な創意工夫をしてくださいました。
あれから3年半の月日が経ちましたが、おかげさまで「 ピアノと由美江先生が大好きな子供」に育っています。 練習嫌いが玉に瑕ですが、これも年齢を重ねるに従って、 変化してくれるのではないかと思っています。
演奏面での最近の変化は、明らかにピアノで「何かを表現しよう」 という姿が見受けられることです。先日、 娘がレッスンから戻るなり”I got an imagination homework assignment from Miss Yumie!”と、ワクワクした様子で語ってくれたのですが、 曲の解釈を促されたことが、 この年齢なりに大きなインスピレーションとなったようです。 自分なりに感じた曲のイメージを大切にし、 それをそのまま演奏に映し出そうと心がけている様子が、 こちらが見ていてもとても楽しそうでした。
ここ最近の課題は、やはり練習時間の確保でしょうか。 3歳から続けている器械体操に割く時間が年を追うごとに増え、 今年の夏からは週に12時間以上にもなっています。「 この膨大な練習時間を少しでもピアノの練習に回すことが出来れば ・・・・」と思うことは頻繁にあります(笑)。それでも、 娘がピアノで演奏してみたい曲を自らCDを聴いて選び出し、 その曲に合わせて「体操の床」 の演技を自分なりに振り付けている様子を見ると「過剰(異常・ 笑?)な体操の練習時間も、 この子の創造性を伸ばすのに一役買っているのかもしれない」 と思います。
由美江先生がレッスンでの演奏をYoutubeにアップしてくだ さっているおかげで、 ここ3年半における娘の成長を顧みることができるのですが、 親としては『とにかくenjoyしてくれている様子が嬉しい』 の一言に尽きます。「音楽は、その字のごとく本来『楽』 しくあるべき」と、先生は常々仰っていますが、 娘の演奏にもそれが見て取られ、 親としてこれほど喜ばしいことはありません。
私の願いは、 このまま娘が何らかの形でずっと音楽を続けていってくれることで す。これからの人生のなかで、辛いとき、悲しいときに、 彼女が音楽に慰められ、または励みとなって、 さらに前に進んでいくための支えになっていってくれればと思いま す。
Watching her early days on YouTube, I can’t help
thinking Karen has come a long way in the last 3.5 years. Miss Yumie
emphasizes the importance of imagination when Karen plays the piano.
When she does that and expresses the piano piece with her whole body,
she gives me a whole new perspective to the music that a child only can
Hiro (Karen's dad)
October 2012
邦人作品紹介③ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
October 2012
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